Looking for new, interesting, and cool things to keep your kids learning this summer? You've visited the pool, hit the beach, and have seen every G rated movie possible. You love spending time with your children, but they're getting bored and you're running out of options.
Check out your local library! The library has events for every age group, and toddler story times are always fun for you and the kids. The depressed economy is making the library more popular than ever,as consumers find ways to tighten our belts. Those who might have been regulars at the book store and video stores are choosing to borrow books, CDs and DVDs instead of buying them. Adults who might be searching for new jobs are brushing up on resume and computer skills in classes that the library offers free of charge.
The library staff has accepted the challenge to provide important services for their patrons. After Labor Day,the Burlington County Library System will offer special Friday night activities for the whole family. These include movies, concerts, craft activites, and lots of free family fun.
Burlington County Libraries alone present over 4,000 events each year, including something special for every age group. Starting at birth, there’s Infant Lapsit, which includes story time and socialization activities for kids, as well as a chance for parents to interact with one another. Educational concerts and story times geared toward older kids are also popular events.
So don't forget your local library when looking for an enjoyable activity to do with your kids. And, for more about the Burlington County Library System, check out the Burlington the Beautiful Magazine.
i love the library!