We certainly never want our kids to be sick, but when it inevitably happens, it can be a wonderful bonding opportunity. My 19 year old daughter had 4 badly impacted wisdom teeth pulled yesterday. Her doc said it was one of the more difficult extractions he's ever had, because her teeth were so far up into her sinus cavity. The poor kid is black and blue and in a lot of pain.
Of course, I wish I could take some of her pain away....it just breaks my heart. But I must admit that I enjoy taking care of her. Whipping up milkshakes, playing 500 Rummy, and replacing her ice every 15 minutes are all labors of love that I wouldn't trade away. It's been many years since she's needed me to take care of her like this.
So, when your child gets sick and you have to take off of work, find carpools for your other kids' activities, and rearrange your life without warning, find the silver lining. You get to make him his favorite alphabet soup, play a dozen games of Go Fish!, and cuddle in a way that is very special. They grow up so fast, and while they will always need you, you'll long for those sick days of the past.